
26 February 2012



Hari ini aku telah "selamat" menjadi juri bagi konsert aspresiasi seni vokal dan muzik dekat tempat aku belajar. Walaupun diriku ini tidaklah sehebat mana dalam bidang muzik, tp aku telah dipilih oleh rakan-rakan dan dipersetujui pihak penganjur...

Pada mulanya, mmg aku tolak awal-awal lagi sebab bidang muzik ni bukanlah bidang aku... (kalau jadi refree bola sepak ke, takraw ke, bola tampar ke, pandai lar aku...hehehe :) ) Lepas semua kawan-kawan aku main tolak-tolak, aku terima sajalah tawaran tu...then, slps dpt tawaran tu, aku pon dengan bersemangatnya baca serba sedikit info tentang koir dan nyanyian.. Secara tidak langsung, ilmu pengetahuan aku berkenaan muzik ini meningkatlah jugak...(tak rugi pon....belajar melalui pengalaman...)

Antara aspek-aspek yang diberi penekanan dalam koir ialah harmoni, tempo, kreativiti gubahan, dll...kalau dalam nyanyian pula, sebutan dan intonasi, kemerduan suara, tempo, pitching, persembahan dll...

Selepas habis pertandingan tu, ada pensyarah muzik yang dtg lepak2 dkt aku n dua org kawan aku lg...dia kata tepat keputusan yang kami buat tu...dalam hati aku, "nasib baik aku dan kawan2 bagi markah betul + tepat....kalau x...". Kadang2, kita x hadap sgt pun pujian drpd org, dgn pujian itu jugalah yang dapat memotivasikan kita untuk terus maju...x gitu??? hehehe :D

Sebenarnya, yang nak aku kongsikan ini ialah tentang kata-kata seorang tokoh Islam :D

‎"Sesiapa yang dikurniakan pangkat tanpa menjalankan tanggungjawab, dia pasti disoal di dunia dan akhirat" - Khalid bin Walid.

P/S : sekiranya kita diamanahkan untuk melaksanakan sesuatu tugas/kerja tu.....lakukanlah sehabis baik...yg penting skali, hati kena ikhlas maaa..baru buat apa2 kerja terasa ENJOY!!! :D

Sekiannnnnnn.... (^_^)

20 February 2012


Today, i don't want to share to all viewer about my life story... Suddenly, i think i want to share about pleasure and privilege that Allah give to every creature namely "Intelligence"...
All of u knew, human given brain to think, and this mind's distinguishes human with animal. So, lets we knowing a little bit about "MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE" that we knew or vice versa.
Multiple Intelligence
The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are, linguistic intelligence ("word smart"), logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart"), spatial intelligence ("picture smart"), bodily-kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart"), musical intelligence ("music smart"), interpersonal intelligence ("people smart"), intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart"), and the last one is naturalist intelligence ("nature smart"). But, in this essay, only linguistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences will be discussed.
Howard Gardner’s theory says that intelligence can be learned throughout life. He also claims that everyone is intelligent in at least seven different ways and can develop each aspect of intelligence to an average level of competency. That’s mean, the theory of multiple intelligences has encouraged the idea that a person is not born with all the intelligences they will ever possess.
Howard Gardner viewed intelligence as 'the capacity to solve problems or to fashion products that are valued in one or more cultural setting’. (Gardner & Hatch, 1989).
Intelligence, as defined by Gardner, is the ability to solve problems or fashion products that are valuable in one or more cultural settings. The linguistic intelligence is the capacity to use language, your mother tongue, and perhaps other languages, to express what's on your mind and to understand other people. As teachers, we should have these types of talents to provide effective lesson. They can make activities like letter writing, storytelling and debating. Students who have these skills also will be able to read, write and communicate. They can understand words and manipulate the structure of language. Furthermore, they also know how to use grammar correctly and have wide range of vocabulary. This person learns best through saying, hearing, writing, and reading. For example authors, journalist, poets, editors, and writers. The famous people with linguistic intelligence are William Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Earnest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Emily Dickinson, Agatha Christie, T.S. Eliot and Rudyard Kipling.
Interpersonal intelligence is also one of the skills in multiple intelligences. Interpersonal intelligence, is understand other people. Whose are in this group may be able to quietly contemplate and assess one’s accomplishments. This ability we all need, but is at a premium if you are a teacher. Our lesson become meaningful when we know our student’s competent. Students who have this kind of intelligence will give feedback to the teacher or to their classmates. They also understanding other's feelings and happy when works in group. So, which students tend to this intelligence can choose their career like counselor, politician, teacher, psychologist and many other careers that they want. The most famous people in interpersonal intelligence are Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Ghandi, Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson, and Martin Luther King.
The last multiple intelligence that will be discussed is intrapersonal intelligence. What is intrapersonal intelligence? Intrapersonal intelligence is self-knowledge and the ability to act adaptively on the basis of that knowledge. Students who have this kind of intelligence also can be able to work effectively with others to relate to other people. They also can increased their responsibility, self-direction and independence through this skills. Without we realizing it, the discipline problems were significantly reduced when students have their own intrapersonal intelligence. On the other hand, the teachers who have intrapersonal intelligence will become more creative and multimodal in their own thinking and learning. The well-known experts that used intrapersonal intelligence are Aristotle, Helen Keller and Mohammed.
In conclusion, all multiple intelligences are very important to teachers to innate strengths and talents and the unique learning styles for each of their students. Students also feel more comfortable and motivated when they know that their learning styles will be addressed. By knowing different kinds of multiple intelligences, teaching learning process in classroom will become more cheerful and interesting.

So, thats all for today...I hope, my new post can help all of you know their respective potential and never give up. Like Allah promise in Al-Quran, " pray to me(Allah), certainly I will approve." No doubt what He promised !!!....InsyaAllah...

(kalau ada kesalahan tatabahasa dalam ayat di atas, harap maaf ye...saya orang melayu...hahahaha~~~) peace, no war (^_^)v

13 February 2012


Bismillah hirrahman nirrahim...

rasa mcm kekok pula nak menulis kat blog aq sendiri ...hahaha~~~ bukan apa, aq bukan jenis yg suka canang2 cerita or perkembangan diri aq kat org... ini fakta, bukan auta...tetiba je arini aq rasa mcm nak tulis sesuatu buat viewer yg terbaca post aq nih...:D

situasi pertama:
mcm ni ha cito ae ....arini den telah ditawarkan menjawat jawatan pengerusi bagi kelab catur oleh seorang rakan{ namo ae dirahsiokan }...mula-mula, mmglah aq bersemangat waja nak pegang jawatan tu...sebab utamanya, AKU SUKA MAIN CATUR!!! kenapa aq suka main??? lain kali aq cerita..hahaha~~~

lepas fikir rasa aq x dpt nak bg komitmen dekat kelab catur tu...almaklumlah, sem ni aq dah kena praktikal...

selain tu, catur ni sebenarnya hanyalah hobi sampingan aq minat main bola, futsal, sepak takraw dan lain-lain sukan yg melibatkan aktiviti fizikal {sonang cito, aktiviti yg mampu mengeluarkan poloh masyam den ni ha...hahaha }...

kemudian, kata putus telah aq buat... aq hanya mahu membantu kawan aq tu tubuhkan kelab catur tu secara belakang tabir je... keputusan ni aq ambil setelah aq "ukur baju di badan sendiri"...

sem ni jgk aq terpaksa pegang jawatan bendahari bg Kejohanan Olahraga Tahunan tempat aq belajar...agak susah utk aq pegang banyak2 jawatan sbb inilah kali pertama aq libatkan diri dalam AJK utk kejohanan sebesar ni {bg aq lar... :p }

Pengakhirannya, aq telah menolak jawatan yg ditawarkan tu....sebab ape??? haa...baco blk tajuk entry aq td...wahahaha (^_^)v

Pesanan ringkas :
Janganlah kita tamak nak pegang jawatan bnyk2....kalau kita rasa kita x sanggup atau x mampu utk menggalas apa2 tanggungjawab, baik tolak awal2 lg...sonang cito!!! bukan apo, bg r rakan2 lain yg dirasakan mampu menggalas dan sanggup pegang jawatan tu dgn hati yg gembira lg ikhlas....bila sesuatu kerja itu dibuat dgn keikhlasan, hasilnya lebih memberangsangkan....kalau ada yg fikir nak pegang jawatan bnyk2 utk femes, baik x pyh....ada apa dengan pangkat di dunia....klaw stakat nak femes kat dunia,masuk kubur zero jgk.., baik x pyh...

sekian, terima kasih... wassalam

{mcm tulis surat utk kekasih plak an...hua5 :p}